Send Inventory to Citi Fulfillment LLC (WRO): Best Practice

In order to receive and count all inventory within our three-business day turnaround time, Citi Fulfillment LLC requires that each inbound box has an attached WRO paper that accurately matches the product(s) and quantities found in that box.

Sometimes, inventory may come in with WROs that were damaged or removed in transit, which may extend turnaround time. In the event that inventory comes in without a WRO label physically attached to the box, our receiving team will attempt to identify the WRO based on the tracking number found on the label.

In order to ensure a smoother receiving process, it is highly recommended that you select the carrier that will be delivering your WRO and enter the tracking information related to your inventory into the WRO page as soon as it is available. The tracking number should be entered as soon as possible before the inventory is set to arrive. If the tracking number is not entered before your inventory arrives at the fulfillment center, you may experience significant delays in turnaround times.

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